未確認 Miu Blessing Chest - 美羽祝福礼盒
A gift pack from Miu. Open the chest, you will have a chance to receive Seed of Mastela, Adventure Meatball, Pet EXP Potion (S), Luxury Food Pack, Talent Fruit, Chef's Eagle Eye, Expert Cook Chest III, green Apple, Sweet Milk, Tropical Banana, Nutrition Potion, Well-Dried Bone, Book of the Devil, Silver Knife of Chastity, Armlet of Obedience, Shining Stone, Contract in Shadow.
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : 9999 |
NPC売却可否 | : Yes |
NPC売却値段 | : 50 |
取引所可否 | : No |
共有倉庫 | : No |
- Luxury Food Pack x 5
- まだ熟してないリンゴ(Green Apple) x 1
- 甘い牛乳(Sweet Milk) x 1
- 熱帯のバナナ(Tropical Banana) x 1
- 栄養剤(Nutrition Potion) x 1
- よく乾いてるホネ(Well-Dried Bone) x 1
- 悪魔召喚書(Book of the Devil) x 1
- 純潔の小太刀(Silver Knife of Chastity) x 1
- 服従の腕輪(Armlet of Obedience) x 1
- 光ってる石(Shining Stone) x 1
- 闇の契約書(Contract in Shadow) x 1
- ペット用経験値ポーション (S)(Pet EXP Potion (S)) x 5
- Talent Fruit x 1
- Expert Cook Chest III x 1
- Chef's Eagle Eye x 1
- おにぎり(Adventure Meatball) x 5
- マステラの種(Seed of Mastela) x 1
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