未確認 きらめく星神の兜 - 璀璨星神头盔/Hat of the Brilliant Star God
Legendary artifact: Hat of the Brilliant Star God.
基礎値 | : Max HP +5000 Def +10% MDef +10% Crit Res+15 Dmg Reduc. +5% Magic Reduc. +5% Poison, Holy, Dark, Ghost, Neutral, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind damage taken -10% Gain passive skill [Nebula Coil]: Applies a stack of [Slow] debuff on the attack when you’re hit. Each stack reduces the attacker’s movement speed by 15% for 3s, stacking up to 3 times. |
効果 | : 生命上限+5000 物理防御+10% 魔法防御+10% 暴击防护+15 物伤减免+5% 魔伤减免+5% 受毒、圣、暗、念、无、火、水、地、风属性伤害-10% 获得被动技能【星云缠绕】:受到攻击时,攻击者获得一层【减速】buff,每层减速buff使攻击者移速减少15%,最多可叠加3层,buff持续时间3秒。 |
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : None |
NPC売却可否 | : None |
NPC売却値段 | : None |
取引所可否 | : None |
共有倉庫 | : None |
- 強化+1 魔法防御+0.2
- 精錬+1 精炼魔伤减免+0.8%
- 最大精錬値 +15
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