未確認 加油小鹿[1] - がんばれトナカイ[1]/ComeOn Reindeer [1]
"Wait for him by opening the skylight, putting the socks by the bed, leaving the door unlocked. I was too excited to peep the result at night but fell asleep instead~ LaLaLa~ LaLaLaLa~ Red-nose Rudolph will pass my window tonight. Will stay for me this year? LaLaLa~LaLaLa~ Red-nose Rudolph carried a man. I want to see him before growing up. "
基礎値 | : Max HP +300 Move Spd +3% |
効果 | : MaxHP+300 移動速度+3% |
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : None |
NPC売却可否 | : None |
NPC売却値段 | : None |
取引所可否 | : None |
共有倉庫 | : None |
- 月替装飾ガチャ
- 強化+1 魔法防御+0.2
- 精錬+1 精錬値が1上がる度に追加で魔法ダメージ軽減+0.8%
- 最大精錬値 +15
存入 MaxHP+60
コメント - 加油小鹿[1]に関する投稿
意図が伝わらないコメントなどは非表示にする場合があります / Comments that do not know the meaning may be hidden.