未確認 魔法兔耳帽子[1] - Bunny Top Hat [1]
Rabbit ear hat that matches well with magic performance.
基礎値 | : Agi +3 When suffering attacks, Caster has a 5% chance to increase Agility by 7 points, increase moving speed by 25%; the effect lasts 30 seconds |
効果 | : 受到攻擊時5%幾率增加7點敏捷,25%移動速度持續30秒 |
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : 1 |
NPC売却可否 | : Yes |
NPC売却値段 | : 100 |
取引所可否 | : No |
共有倉庫 | : Yes |
- 強化每+1 魔法防禦+0.2
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