未確認 圣徒拳套[1] - 聖徒拳套[1]/Saint Fist [1]
As a powerful and violent institution in hymn church, "Light Saint" Andrew was ordered by the Archbishop to make a pair of knuckles for the monks. The special materials can even speed up the flow of gas, and the knuckles are soon equipped by all monks in the church. Blessed by Light Saint, the cost of refining is reduced by half.
基礎値 | : Base升至90級後 |
効果 | : Level 1~29 物理攻击+148 力量+1 敏捷+1 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 30~39 物理攻击+197 力量+2 敏捷+2 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 40~49 物理攻击+246 力量+3 敏捷+2 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 50~59 物理攻击+264 力量+3 敏捷+3 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 60~69 物理攻击+308 力量+4 敏捷+3 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 70~79 物理攻击+352 力量+4 敏捷+4 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 80~89 物理攻击+365 力量+5 敏捷+5 击杀魔物Base经验+10% ----- Level 90~100 物理攻击+405 力量+6 敏捷+6 击杀魔物Base经验+10% |
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : None |
NPC売却可否 | : None |
NPC売却値段 | : None |
取引所可否 | : None |
共有倉庫 | : None |
- 強化+1 物理攻击+1.9
- 精錬+1 精炼物攻+15
- 最大精錬値 +15
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