日本鯖 ch13 ギルド「HAVEN_JP」メンバ募集

日本版 セージの書 - 贤者之书/賢者之書/Sage's Book

Finally, the boy did not return back. After reading the book, his eyes burst out the craze like the lights of God's sanction. In the next few years, the countries to which he was headed were lost in wars and revolution. The great libraries recording ancient knowledge and wisdom were destroyed one by one. A few centuries later, a blond-hair girl opened the dusty old book again in the wasted duke house, the last page which the boy did not notice read, "Brother, when you come back, I'll be your bride!. (Bell rings) "All right, That's all for today's history class. Remember to give the adventure experiment assignment to Allvet tomorrow."


基礎値 : -
効果 : 風、地、水、火属性攻撃+5%
レベル : None
最大所持数 : None
NPC売却可否 : None
NPC売却値段 : None
取引所可否 : None
共有倉庫 : None


相場チャート - すべて | 1週間

グローバル鯖: -
SEA鯖: -



  • 月替装飾ガチャ@201907


  • 強化+1 魔法防御+0.3
  • 精錬+1 精炼魔伤减免+0.8%
  • 最大精錬値 +15


解放 MaxHP+21
存入 物理攻撃+1%
存入 魔法攻撃+1%

コメント - セージの書に関する投稿

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