日本鯖 ch13 ギルド「HAVEN_JP」メンバ募集

未確認 Moon Rabbit Gem - 月之兔·白玉/月之兔·白玉

"In my memory of childhood, in the season when I wore scarf and a white puff escaped into the air with every breath I took, I always looked forward to my grandpa's return from adventure, for he'd make a lot of lovely bunny lamps for me with my grandma when he did. I'd drag these bunny lamp that gave off warm light with my playmate next door as we ran across the snow covered ground, laughing with our faces red with cold. This is the memory I've been cherishing till this day. "- Chapter 27, Book 3 of My Grandma's Story (Use it to drag a candle-lit white bunny lamp that gives of warm light which evokes memories)


レベル : None
最大所持数 : 999
NPC売却可否 : Yes
NPC売却値段 : 100
取引所可否 : No
共有倉庫 : Yes


相場チャート - すべて | 1週間

グローバル鯖: -
SEA鯖: -



  • 神秘箱子2.0
  • 神秘箱子3.0


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