未確認 Through The Tower - 塔之下/塔之下/Under the Tower
A wizard music record. With it, You can order songs in the music box spot newly designed by Kafra. [Legend has it that there are ruins under Geffen that leads to an unknowable age, Where there is always something sneaking in the dark that is in the making. Now the forbidden place has been a target for adventurers to challenge.]
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : 9999 |
NPC売却可否 | : Yes |
NPC売却値段 | : 100 |
取引所可否 | : Yes |
共有倉庫 | : No |
- 魔物
- 交易所
コメント - Through The Towerに関する投稿
意図が伝わらないコメントなどは非表示にする場合があります / Comments that do not know the meaning may be hidden.