未確認 闇料理の調理リセット - 黑暗料理包裹/黑暗料理包裹/Dark Cuisine Pack
Dark Cuisine Pack is the equipment that every dark cuisine cook dreams of. The Dark Pan made from Nibelungen by a blacksmith combines the arcana of alchemists with the poison of assassins in which the knife named "Tail" and a flag representing Dark Cuisine are inserted. [Author: CrazyRyo]
基礎値 | : M.Atk +20 INT +5 |
効果 | : 魔法攻击+20 智力+5 |
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : None |
NPC売却可否 | : None |
NPC売却値段 | : None |
取引所可否 | : None |
共有倉庫 | : None |
- 強化+1 魔法防御+0.2
- 精錬+1 精炼魔伤减免+0.8%
- 最大精錬値 +15
解放 生命上限+21
存入 生命上限+60
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意図が伝わらないコメントなどは非表示にする場合があります / Comments that do not know the meaning may be hidden.