日本鯖 ch13 ギルド「HAVEN_JP」メンバ募集

未確認 冰火之心 - Heart of Ice and Fire

The giant axe forged by Hsienry. During the period of the Warner God, Loki gave it to Ai Isis, the most powerful warrior of the giant tribe. In a battle, He accidentally hurt his leg by the huge axe in his hand and couldn't stand up anymore. Therefore, This huge axe is known as the "Axe of Curse". The legend goes that its owner will be hurt by the axe if his mind changes. (Better used as the weapon skin)


レベル : None
最大所持数 : 1
NPC売却可否 : Yes
NPC売却値段 : 100
取引所可否 : No
共有倉庫 : Yes


相場チャート - すべて | 1週間

グローバル鯖: -
SEA鯖: -


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