日本鯖 ch13 ギルド「HAVEN_JP」メンバ募集

未確認 赫克拉斯神弓 - Hercules Bow

The bow created by the god clan. Legend has it that it can damage the body of God and keep the bowstring unbroken forever. Legend has it that Usenno Otjila, the Sniper of the great emperor Trinidad, Used this magic bow to pierce the head of the demons a thousand miles away. When Usenno Otjila died in battle, the bow of the God gave out tremendous lament. (Better used as the weapon skin)


基礎値 : 物理攻击+57
レベル : None
最大所持数 : 1
NPC売却可否 : Yes
NPC売却値段 : 100
取引所可否 : No
共有倉庫 : Yes


相場チャート - すべて | 1週間

グローバル鯖: -
SEA鯖: -


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