未確認 圣徒拳刃[1] - 聖徒拳刃[1]/Saint Katar [1]
The assassins hidden in the shadow are also favored by the "saint of light" Andrew who made special Katars for them. The Katars are not only light but also sharp. The blood slot on the blade can make the blood flow out quickly, Thus killing the enemy. Blessed by the saint of light, the number of consumptive equipment is reduced by half during safe refining period.
基礎値 | : 物理攻撃+253 |
効果 | : クリティカル2倍 STR+6 AGI+6 モンスター撃破時の取得ベース経験値+10% |
レベル | : 90 |
最大所持数 | : 1 |
NPC売却可否 | : Yes |
NPC売却値段 | : 100 |
取引所可否 | : No |
共有倉庫 | : Yes |
- 每強化+1 物理攻擊+1.2
- 每精錬+1 精錬物理ダメージ+12
- 最高精錬値+15
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