未確認 悪魔の微笑み - 恶魔微笑/Devil Smile
A magical orb with the magic of tempting and depraving all the mindless. After a long-term breeding by the demon, Its power is more and more powerful. But in the hands of those who have no dark power but are determined, it can only be regarded as a trove.
レベル | : None |
最大所持数 | : None |
NPC売却可否 | : None |
NPC売却値段 | : None |
取引所可否 | : None |
共有倉庫 | : None |
コメント - 悪魔の微笑みに関する投稿
意図が伝わらないコメントなどは非表示にする場合があります / Comments that do not know the meaning may be hidden.