日本鯖 ch13 ギルド「HAVEN_JP」メンバ募集

未確認 普隆德拉的守護 - Prontera's Guard

"I really hate it here!" Kelly said with anger. "It is too noisy here, every day, people wearing all kinds of exotic clothes pretend to help you hook up!", "…Unexpectedly, this month's expedition funds have gone to buy a pile of useless hats! Every day they seduce me! Every day they seduce me!", "Ugh! I really hate it here." Kelly said with an angry expression, laughing with tears in her eyes. She turned her head, and at this time, a breeze blew through the center of the Capital Square and her beautiful brown hair thrown into the sky. Well, this kid really likes it here!


基礎値 : Max HP +1000
  Dmg Reduc. +5%
効果 : 物傷減免+5%
レベル : None
最大所持数 : None
NPC売却可否 : None
NPC売却値段 : None
取引所可否 : None
共有倉庫 : None


相場チャート - すべて | 1週間

グローバル鯖: -
SEA鯖: -



  • 強化每+1 魔法防禦+0.2

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